Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Brief Hiatus


Hello! As you all might have been wondering by now why this self styled GRE guru has stopped posting new stuff, I finally decided to deliver enlightenment on that aspect.

You see, for all my self assured poise and fart, I am a tad over-confident. I made the depraved mistake of scheduling both GMAT and TOEFL on two successive days 11th and 12th Sep, which as you all can clearly see, are just 5 days away.

So unless, I move my lazy ass to get some work done, I might as well go into hiding rather than blog here, about recipe 1400s and stuff like that. So I appreciate your patience. Just don't lose steam and keep prepping. Stay Tuned.

Harish is giving GMAT and has changed his career coz no BITSGian Prof could give a proper Reco for their life's worth.

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